STEP 4: Counteroffer Tactics
Preparing for Counteroffers
Many employers will not want to lose you, and you should be prepared for counteroffers.
1. The Counteroffer
Spend time identifying the specific things that are important to you and the advancement of your career.
1. The Counteroffer
Beware the Counteroffer
Have you ever been counter-offered? Accepted a counter-offer? Your employer may make you a counteroffer to entice you to stay. Be very wary of counteroffers.
Statistics show four to six months later, 90% of those candidates who accept a counteroffer are back on the street looking – either by choice, because promises weren’t kept, because they have been replaced, or let go.
Whether the employer admits it or not, your dedication will be questioned, and once that happens, you might be viewed differently. The counter might not address all the drivers for you wanting to make the change. It’s better to tactfully decline the offer and focus on your new job with your new employer.
Your employer may ask you the following questions and you want to be prepared with your responses:
Why are you leaving?
You do not want to go into detail about your current job situation. By not discussing why you are leaving, it will take the pressure off debating your reasons for leaving.
Where are you going?
You do not need to tell anyone where you are going. By telling your current employer where you are going you are giving them ammunition to use against you and to help talk you into staying
How much money are they giving you?
A good response is, “My future employer has asked that I keep that confidential?”
How did you find the job?
The easiest response is “I found it through research and using my network.” It’s best not to refer to recruiters, because it just opens the issue for debate and negative feedback about your search methodology.
Resigning might seem daunting at first. Take time to prepare mentally, write your resignation letter, and be confident that you are making the right move for yourself and your career. When you do make the move, you can stay in touch with those you have worked with before. You won’t have to leave those relationships behind. You will actually be adding to your network.